Welcome to the StuffIt InstallerMaker installer. A full installation will provide you with the StuffIt Installer application, and all of its associated files. You will soon find that StuffIt InstallerMaker is the most powerful, and easy to use “Installer” available for the Mac™OS. InstallerMaker 4.0 is the "Complete Installation Solution™"!
There are a few important files that we would like to bring your attention to. These are:
“Read Me First!” File
After the software is installed, please refer to the “Read Me First!” file on your hard disk. This file contains additional information which will aid your understanding of the product as well as explaining any new features and enhancements that didn’t make it into the User’s Guide.
What's new in InstallerMaker 4.0
This file contains a detailed list of all the feature changes, improvements, and bug fixes in the current release. Be sure to read it before using 4.0.
The User Guide
The Users Guide has been reorganized and split up into three seperate documents - Getting Started, Tutorials, and Reference to speed access to specific information. They can be found in the “Users Guide & License Agreement” folder.
How to License StuffIt InstallerMaker
StuffIt InstallerMaker is a licensed product. The software you have now is the complete and ready to create a product installer. All that's required to distribute an installer you build is licensing InstallerMaker and adding a registration code to your application.
Information on how to License StuffIt InstallerMaker can be found in the file named “How To License IM”. The actual License Agreement can be found in the “Users Guide & License Agreement” folder. Information on licensing Aladdin's trialware and electronic commerce capabilities is also available in this file.
We at Aladdin Systems would like to thank you for choosing our product and for your continued support.
Using InstallerMaker to build disk images requires ShrinkWrap 2.1 or higher. If an older version of ShrinkWrap is present on your computer while attempting to build images, the build process may fail. Make sure to delete all copies of ShrinkWrap older than 2.1 from your computer.
Under the Minimum System options, the dialog allows hex values to be entered for a Gestalt return value to look for, but IM fails to retain the hex values.
If a Source Name is entered into a task dialog for tasks other than Play Sound, and Play Sound is then selected as the task type, the name entered incorrectly appears on the popup menu for selecting sounds to play.
When the resource file, that includes sounds used in Play Sound tasks, is removed, Play Sound tasks do not recognize the sounds are missing.
Wrong file information is sometimes sent to IMid extensions, related to old file information stored in the desktop database being read by installers.
After conversion from a 2.x series archive, the converted archive loses the settings for Minimum System options.
Selecting cancel from Print dialog after selecting Print from SLA screen causes alert that says, "No printer has been selected in the Chooser," even when a printer has been selected.
Upgrading to StuffIt InstallerMaker 4.0 from StuffIt InstallerMaker 3.x
InstallerMaker 4.0 uses a slightly different archive format from the 3.x series. When you open an archive created under versions of InstallerMaker prior to 4.0, InstallerMaker will alert you that the archive must be converted, using the Convert command on its File menu, to the new format. Simply select Convert from the File menu in InstallerMaker and convert your the archive. InstallerMaker will create a copy of the archive that is ready to be used with InstallerMaker 4.0.
Also new to 4.0 is a completely new Updater algorithm. Old style updaters will not function in InstallerMaker 4.0. You will need to create new Updaters using 4.0. If you open an archive containing a 3.x version Updater, InstallerMaker will post an alert to inform you that the Updater must be rebuilt.
Developers who have used the DR1 or any pre-release of InstallerMaker 4.0 should use the Convert command on their archive files. They should also delete their InstallerMaker preferences from the System's Preferences folder.
Special Note to Developers, Product Managers, and Network Administrators
We use this message in all our installers :-)
This installer was created in about an hour using StuffIt InstallerMaker™. StuffIt InstallerMaker provides many advanced features while being very easy to use. By using InstallerMaker for this installer, we not only saved a distribution disk due to Aladdin’s advanced compression technology, but also provided our users a way to easily customize installation. If you are interested in making installation easier for your users while saving distribution costs due to the need for fewer disks, contact our licensing department at: